[WSMDiscuss] a valuable medical compilation
mp at aktivix.org
Mon Oct 3 07:58:17 CET 2022
There is no shortage of evidence - from trials, through distribution,
administration and after- and sideeffects - that this is bad medicine.
The only real question is:
How can people push for debate from below?
This is fantastic challenge, since many thought-leaders, spokespeople
and unionisers are pushing the exact opposite direction, content with
copy/pasting marketing speak and aligning with corporate media, whose
main sponsors are pharma capital.
It is also possible that this experiment is simply "too big too fail".
Too many people bought into it out of fear and because they already have
suffered a full loss of medical autonomy, - knowing too little about
their own bodies to take health into their own hands. Now they would
have to lose face as well. Transcendence was never a widespread trait.
This might go down in history as the decisive shift to a transhuman
On 03/10/2022 01:16, Ariel Salleh via WSM-Discuss wrote:
> https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/ <https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/>
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