[WSMDiscuss] Women, Life, Liberty: A Protest Promising a Revolution to End All Oppression and Exploitation

Steven Johnson thinkingaloud at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 22:07:21 CEST 2022

Women, Life, Liberty: A Protest Promising a Revolution to End All
Oppression and Exploitation

In the above piece, Kamran Nayeri, an Iranian socialist who participated in
the events of 1979, offers a thought-provoking and moving review of the
Iranian struggles then and now, and links to more extensive elaborations of
his version of Ecological Socialism.

Throughout his writings, Nayeri attempts to update or re-work Marxism from
the ground up, as Marx himself would no doubt ceaselessly endeavor to do if
he were still alive, in the light of current knowledge from ecological
science and revolutionary history to date. No matter how much readers may
end up agreeing or disagreeing with him on one point or another, I suspect
anti-capitalist movements worldwide would be much enriched if his writings
were more widely read and debated.

Steven Johnson
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