[WSMDiscuss] "Development As Service" - Videos

Pallav Das dpallav at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 22:44:42 CEST 2022

Dear friends,

Earlier this year, our Dutch colleague, Dorine Van Norren, wrote an
incisive critique of the contemporary development model on REDWeb, and
contrasted that approach with the inherent strengths of some traditional
societal perspectives, which offer alternative perspectives on that
question of global importance. Here are a couple of links to Dorine's video
lectures, which further explain her immensely well articulated ideas.
Please take a look. Dorine is copied on this email if you would like to
contact her directly.

Best wishes,


1. Global Philosophies & the SDGs: Ubuntu, Buen Vivir, and Gross National
2. ISBS 2019: Dorine Eva van Norren - SDGs versus cosmovisions of the
Global South

3. *And here's the link to Dorine's article:*

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